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This is why I love Jon Stewart

Posted: September 5th, 2008 | Author: | Filed under: oh crap I've let politics enter my blog-type-thing | Comments Off on This is why I love Jon Stewart

Hurricane Gustav Relief

Sarah Palin Gender Card

I was going to say . . .

Posted: August 30th, 2008 | Author: | Filed under: oh crap I've let politics enter my blog-type-thing | 1 Comment »

. . . something about McCain’s apparent low regard for the brainpower of the average voter as demonstrated by this VP pick, but Gail Collins beat me to it:

However, I do feel kind of ticked off at the assumptions that the Republicans seem to be making about female voters. It’s a tad reminiscent of the Dan Quayle selection, when the first George Bush’s advisers decided they could close the gender gap with a cute running mate.

The idea that women are going to race off to vote for any candidate with the same internal plumbing is both offensive and historically wrong.