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Monday morning randomness

Posted: January 19th, 2009 | Author: | Filed under: life | Comments Off on Monday morning randomness

The book project is coming along. It is every bit as tough as I thought it was going to be, and I do struggle a bit sometimes, but it’s a good feeling to make progress. I’ve cleared my schedule of everything I possibly could for the next two weeks to make it happen.

Speaking of clearing schedules, my etching class that was scheduled for Wednesday didn’t get the minimum signups necessary to be a go. That gives me another full evening this week to focus. My class tonight in North Olmsted is almost full, so that will give me a nice break of creative goodness and being out in the world to sustain me through the week. I’ve been a bit of a hermit through the month of January, and I fear I’m starting to lose some social skills.

I added two more etching classes in March, one each in Chagrin Falls and North Olmsted, and a Saturday Beading 101 class North Olmsted in late February. The schedule is over there to the right in the sidebar.

Two book projects that I was expecting to fill the first week of February have miraculously both been delayed, so I am going to end up with a little bit of a break to relax and work in the studio on a couple things that have been floating around in the back of my head. And get out of the house to have a cup of tea or lunch among other real live actual human beings.

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