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I is for Internet

Posted: April 10th, 2013 | Author: | Filed under: Blogging from A to Z Challenge 2013 | 1 Comment »

It amazes me how quickly the Internet has become so ingrained into my everyday life. I was an early tech adopter — first exposure to email in 1990, first home computer in 1993 — and am now full spectrum with laptop, iPhone, and iPad. My Google-fu is strong. People will call me to ask me to look something up for them because they know I’ll find it much more quickly than they will.

I love living in this age of abundant information. Sure, it can be overwhelming sometimes, but I’d rather have too much info than not enough. I’m buying a new car this week, and I can’t imagine ever doing this this old-fashioned way again. It was easy to find info from not only car maker’s sites but also third party reviewers and forums for drivers. I was able to go into each dealership with a good sense of what I wanted to look at and what each model included, saving everyone time.

I keep my iPad in the family room, and I often look up info on whatever we’re watching on IMDB, or if I’m not actively watching whatever is on the TV, I’m reading the New York Times or catching up on blogs via Newsify or otherwise paddling around in the Internet waters.

Viva la Internet!