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home stretch

Posted: February 27th, 2013 | Author: | Filed under: life | Comments Off on home stretch

One day left in the month, and the list is almost chipped away. Here’s my recent progress.


I started magazines on Saturday, and finished those last night. I had about two feet of accumulation in the pile, some going back to early 2011. I roughly sorted them into three piles: art stuff, home stuff, and other stuff.

Anything in the other stuff pile older than December went straight into the recycling bin. I quickly went through the remainder and tore out articles I want to read, and gave myself a deadline of the end of March. Anything unread by then gets tossed. Fortunately, there really wasn’t much, maybe six articles.

Since we’re in the middle of renovations and I’m seriously starting to think about decorating, I wanted to take my time with the home magazines. I don’t get many, but the ones I do tend to have great ideas.

The art magazines I was mostly caught up on; I tend to read them right when they come in. For the moment I’m keeping all of those, so it was just a matter of quickly flipping through to see if there was anything immediately applicable (no) and then filing them up in the studio.


I had to do some errands out near Mom’s house on Monday, so swung by there to pick up the sewing machine. Actually borrowing the sewing machine is half the battle in those sewing projects, so it counted as a project of its own. The actual sewing will be a series of projects for March.


I made my appointment for my physical this morning. I love my doctor, and I don’t mind going there, but I’ve been putting off making this appointment. There were a few things I needed to sort out with the insurance company first, and that’s always a pain. And the last time I was at my doctor’s office, the receptionist was on the phone and there were sick, hacking people everywhere, so I didn’t stick around to make my next appointment. Now I’ve put it off so long that I can’t get in until June, instead of my regular April. But that’s okay. Maybe I’ll be able to lose a little more of the weight I’ve gained back before then so I can impress her with my progress.

Bonus: I also made a dermatology appointment. One of those spots is not like the others, and it behooves me to get it checked out. My regular doctor’s appointment desk told me she’d likely just shuffle me off to a dermatologist anyway, so I just went ahead and made the separate appointment. That’s next week.


Another bonus project: After I measured my office painting for a frame, I started poking around to see what a frame might cost me. I ended up finding one at a decent price and just ordering it. It wasn’t quite deep enough for my painting, so I got creative and attached a couple of strips of wood to the back of the frame to beef it up. I finally got it all put together between yesterday and today, and it looks great! I’m so pleased with myself.


More project goodness to come this afternoon.

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