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25 random things

Posted: February 12th, 2009 | Author: | Filed under: life | 2 Comments »

Okay, okay, enough already! I’ve been tagged by eleventy-million people for this, so here you go.

1. I do the Sunday New York Times crossword puzzle in ink. It usually takes me about two hours over the course of a day or two, and I can usually finish it, although sometimes I have to take a peek for a hint with the longer clues if they’re particularly punny or otherwise nonstandard (like using whole words in one space). This does not make me better than anyone else.

2. Photography was my first artistic love, although I’ve dabbled in all kinds of arts my whole life. I still love to take photos and am looking forward to getting a spiffy new DSLR in the coming weeks.

3. I took up ceramics after I graduated from college because I needed to find a class to take so I could continue to qualify for student health insurance. (I had a temp job at the time with no option for insurance, and the cost of the class plus the cost of student insurance was still cheaper than what I could get out in the real world.) When I moved to Hawaii, I starting going to the studio at the community center that was down the street on Thursdays, then added open studio Fridays. Then I lucked into a great studio situation at Iolani School, where I really thrived and did some cool work, if I do say so myself. There was a period of time when I was throwing pots and plates three nights a week.

4. When I moved back to Ohio, I looked for a good studio situation, but couldn’t find one that met my needs. They were all too time limited or way too expensive. Because I needed something to do, I ended up taking a beading class at Bead Paradise in Oberlin, which led to my taking metals classes with Susan Lenart Kazmer, both of which led to the work I’m doing now.

5. There I times I think I should have listened to Mr. Skalski and pursued genetic research. Then I remember that I never would have made it through the chemistry.

6. I just finished writing a book with two other authors, both of whom have much more experience than I with such things; I’m usually on the other end of the process. I learned a lot, and I hope to do it again. It thrills me that my author contract has a right of first refusal clause, which means that the publisher will at least look at my next book, whatever it is. In this business, half the battle is just getting someone to look at it.

7. I love to take classes and workshops. My dream is to do one of the big, well-known, week-long artist retreats someday.

8. I have a bit of a lead foot, but I’ve only ever had one speeding ticket, which I got when I was 17. I had to go to juvenile court for it. I don’t go nearly as fast as I used to anymore.

9. I love the smell of coffee, but really don’t like to drink it, except on very rare occasions — usually at a banquet or wedding or some other place where there is no real alternative. I also don’t like beer.

10. If you had told me five years ago that I’d be living the life I’m living now, I probably would have pulled a muscle laughing.

11. I am ridiculously sentimental.

12. When I get angry, I cry. It’s a weird, hardwired reaction, and it doesn’t do me any favors. I’ve been battling it all my life.

13. I am completely out of touch with current movies. I used to be a contender in the Oscar pool every year, since I likely had seen all but a few of the nominees, but between the cost of going out to the movies, the seemingly endless annoyances of rude people in the theater, and the convenience of Netflix, I’m down to just a few theater outings each year. Given recent previews, I don’t feel like I’m missing out on much.

14. I am having a very hard time coming up with 25 things.

15. The one thing I miss about commuting crosstown to work is NPR. Listening at home is just not the same.

16. I only recently purged my closet of some clothes I’ve had since college. I’ve never been much into fashion, but I’m trying to make a little bit of an effort.

17. I’ve been to 32 U.S. states. I’d like to see the other 18 sometime.

18. I took a year of yoga in college. I wish I would have kept up with it over the years. I’ve recently started up again, and it’s amazing what a difference that hour makes in my body and my attitude.

19. If I had my way and we didn’t care about eventual resale, I would limit the grass in the yard to one small patch in the back and plant the rest of it in gardens and groundcover — if we could find enough stuff the deer would leave alone.

20. Almost all of our neighbors have a lawn service, but I don’t mind cutting the grass myself. They all probably think I’m nuts.

21. I love to cook. Because of a sensitivity to MSG, I’ve had to learn to cook from scratch, since so many packaged foods contain MSG. I think I’m pretty good at it.

22. I really enjoy being able to connect people. But I am a terrible (romantic) matchmaker.

23. I loved school. I rarely stayed home sick because I was afraid I might miss something. When I worked at University of Hawaii, I took a class in oceanography just for the hell of it. It was amusing when the TA, probably at least 10 years younger than I, asked me if I intended to major in oceanography because I was doing so well in the class. Someday I may go back to school, just for fun.

24. I would much rather talk in person or via e-mail than on the phone most of the time.

25. One of the things I enjoy the most about Waikiki is the catamaran rides you can catch off the beach. Great scenery and super cheap. (I prefer the one with the red and yellow striped sail.)

(I’m not a meme-passer-on-er, so if you want to participate, feel free to post your own 25 random things. I will not threaten bad luck or other impending doom if you fail to do so.)