Grand Canyon to Texas
Posted: August 9th, 2002 | Author: Lori Paximadis | Filed under: life | Comments Off on Grand Canyon to TexasHanging in the Dallas area with C & MK. Not much time to update and no pictures today (I hear the cheers from the dialup section).
The Grand Canyon was so breathtaking. I can’t come anywhere close to describing it, and the pictures don’t capture even a fraction of it, so you’ll get neither from me now. Everyone should see it at some point in their lifetimes. Staying in Grand Canyon Village was a good call. It made parking and getting to the rim and easy. The lodge was rustic but not at all bad, and not that much more expensive than outside the park.
Decided to head to Santa Fe instead of Albuquerque, and was glad I did. I really like Santa Fe. Bought a bauble that I really couldn’t afford but also couldn’t live without, a gorgeous turquoise bracelet.
Headed across Texas — big, hot, dusty state that it is — with an overnight stop in Amarillo. Stopped yesterday in Archer City to browse the Booked Up stores. Huge, amazing bookstores owned by author Larry McMurtry in this nowhere Texas town. You have never seen so many gorgeous books in one place. Got to C’s last night in time for the jam session. To the joy of ears everywhere, I declined their exhortations to sing.
On to Memphis just to overnight on Sunday, then to Lexington to hang with more friends.
Later, then.